German Version
Articles of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI)
Name and Location
The Society is called the "International Society for Pest Information (e.V.)" and is referred to as the "Society" in the following text. The name of the Society may be abbreviated as "ISPI".
The Society has been officially entered into the registry of societies kept by the city court in Darmstadt, Germany ("Amtsgericht Darmstadt"). It is located in that city.
The aim of the Society is to promote science and research in the area of pest management. The work of the Society contributes to the development of pest management methods which are effective and safe for humans and the environment. The term "pest" is meant to include the following organisms:
animal pests, diseases and weeds in agriculture, forestry and stores;
arthropods (e.g. insects), which are harmful to livestock or effect humans directly.
The aim of the Society is pursued especially through the compilation, updating and the dissemination to the general public of information on pests and on suitable control methods. For this, electronic means of transferring data and information are commonly used, e.g. Internet, e-mail and digital media (like CD ROM).
Common benefits
The The aims of the Society are immediately and exclusively directed towards common benefits and goals, as they are described under the section "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" of the revenue regulation of the German Government. The nature of the Society is altruistic; it does not have primarily commercial interests. The funds of the Society should only be used for the above-stated aims. Members of the Society do not receive payments from these funds. No person should benefit from payments which contradict the aims of the Society or from disproportionately high compensations.
Any person can become a member of the Society if he or she is willing to regularly promote its aims and provide relevant information. Requests for membership are directed to the Executive Committee, which decides on the application.
Members wishing to leave the Society inform the Executive Committee. The membership expires automatically if a member has not participated in the activities of the Society or promoted its aims for more than two years.
The Society does not collect membership fees. It is expected that the Society will receive income from other sources in order to meet operating expenses (for example through the sale of electronic media to its members).
The bodies of the Society are the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Technical Working Groups and the meetings of its members.
The Executive Committee consists of the following three members:
The President who initiates activities of the Society and convenes meetings.
The Vice-President, who supports the president and can act on his/her behalf.
The Executive Officer, who is responsible for implementing the activities of the Society.
Two members of the Executive Committee can represent the society (e.g. in court).
The Finance Committee consists of at least two and not more than three members, who are not members of the Executive Committee. It verifies that the expenditures of the Society are in accordance with its aims and prepares a report to the Society members for each calendar year.
The Executive and Finance Committees are elected during the founding meeting. Subsequently, elections are held every three years during the Society meetings (see articles 14 to 16). If a member of the Executive Committee leaves the Society before the end of his or her term, the remaining Committee members appoint a replacement for the rest of the three-year period.
The President may create (or dissolve) Technical Working Groups of members in order to initiate activities in certain fields of pest management (e.g. biological control, vector control, etc.).
The president decides on the dates and location of Society meetings, which may be held on the occasion of other scientific meetings. Such meetings should be held at least every three years and will also be held if they are requested by at least 5% of the Society members.
Members are informed of the date and location of a meeting at least 3 months in advance by e-mail. In connection to this announcement members should be also encouraged to nominate persons for the election of the Executive and Finance Committees, as well as to suggest questions requiring votes and agenda topics for the meeting. A list of candidates for the Executive and Finance Committees, as well as questions requiring votes should be published one month in advance of the Society meetings. Members who are not able to attend the Society meeting can submit their votes in writing (e.g. per e-mail) up to one week before the meeting.
The majority of the members present decide on a Chairperson and a Rapporteur for a Society meeting. The Rapporteur prepares the meeting report, which is signed by him/her and the Chairperson. During the elections of the Executive and Finance Committees, as well as for deciding on previously published questions, the votes of the members present and the previously submitted written votes of the absent members are counted. Other resolutions of the Society meeting are adopted by the majority of the members present. All resolutions of the meeting are binding for the Executive Committee.
(=16a) During the election of the Executive Committee the President and Vice-President are elected together and each society member has one vote for both of them. The person receiving the highest number of votes will be elected as President and the person receiving the 2nd highest number of votes will be elected as Vice-President. Should both receive the same number of votes then the members present during the meeting will elect the President in a second ballot. If the 2nd ballot also produces no decision, a draw will decide. Should an elected officer not accept the vote, then the candidate with the next highest number of votes will be considered as being elected.
Changes of the Articles and Dissolution
Changes of the Articles or dissolution of the Society may be proposed to the members in advance of a meeting. The subsequent meeting can then adopt such measures after approval by 2/3rd of the member votes.
In case of dissolution of the Society, or if the aims of the Society are no longer directed towards common benefits ("steuerbegünstigte Zwecke"), the assets of the Society will be transferred to a legal person or another non-profit organization ("steuerbegünstigte Körperschaft") and will be used to promote science and research in the field of pest management.
Original version adopted 31 January 2001 - modified version adopted 18 March 2013